How We Can Help

Systems – Team Training – Marketing – Leadership

What if ‘changes afoot’ were to cut your income from practice by 25% to 50% over the next 3 to 5 years?

Could you maintain your standard of living? Retire on time? SURVIVE THE CRASH? There ARE facts, trends, threats virtually certain to “wipe out” many dentists. Force others to sell, give up their independence, be employees of corporate chains or walk away hoping to get their monthly checks for years to come. There will be winners and losers.

man frustrated at computer

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“Dr. Biasucci legitimately wants you to succeed. He is generous in sharing his knowledge and this has value I can’t put a price on. He will never impose his ideals and is constantly working hard at improving and enriching people’s lives through our work as dentists. I admire his dedication and what he has accomplished and strive to follow his steps. I have had the opportunity to closely dissect the multiple strategies to improve communications and deliver value to patients employed in his own practice. The result has not only been a dramatic increase on my own patient base and production level, but has taught me a great deal about marketing, branding, useful strategies via social media, etc.
In a nutshell I have acquired a recipe for success.”

– Dr. M. M., Toronto

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Request Your Free Information Kit Now

“I’m afraid my long-in-tooth (pardon poor pun) years, experience, observing “idea promoters” come and go has made me jaded. I am rarely impressed. But my look into what Dr. Biasucci has done and continues to do with his practice has impressed. Unless you have a monster ego standing in your way, it is impossible not to be impressed. And I can assure you, there is much worthy of your attention, analysis and application. I happen to prize AUTONOMY above virtually everything else, and above all else, I am impressed with Dr. Biasucci’s clarity about and commitment to autonomy as a practice owner. This book shows the way on this road few ever travel.

I have been actively and intimately involved with the dental profession in the U.S. and Canada for over 35 years, directly influencing with innovative practice growth strategies, and as behind-scenes ‘Consultant To The Consultants’. More than 15,000 dentists and other health care practice professionals have gone through my own Trainings, and more than a dozen leaders of the field have worked or now work with me as their consultant and coach. From this, I have determined a few key Great Truths about the dentists who create exceptionally successful and sustainable practices AND satisfying professional lives, versus the overwhelming majority who, instead, live as Thoreau characterized “lives of quiet desperation.”

– Dan S. Kennedy

photo of dentist